I wrote in November about my old process for creating webcomics, which was really just to make it up as I go. Today, I'm going into detail on my current process! When making a webcomic, I start by creating a folder for the particular chapter I'm working on. I create the comic in parts, which are usually images in Clip Studio Paint measuring 1,600 pixels wide by 14,000 tall, with a resolution of 300.
The number of parts, as well as the number of panels in each part, varies depending on the comic itself.

Next, I go into each part and create a proper storyboard. I refer to any notes I've made about the series as I create panels using the Frame Border tool. I usually have ideas scribbled on paper which I think through before I draw in CSP using a blue color on a layer called sketches. After the rough drafts are drawn, I add word bubbles.

With all the storyboarding done, I'm ready to draw the lineart. I do all of the lineart in the chapters part one, then color, then do any shading/highlighting/editing that's left, before moving onto part two and repeating the process! Because my time is often limited, I usually do just one of those three steps on a single panel every day. This once a day on one panel a day process is slow, but it's also steady, and leaves no room for excuses like, "I didn't have time today!"
By the end of the process, I have something like this: A long comic strip that I can save as a PNG file and upload onto the website!

Of course, I also save smaller, cropped images to use on other sites like Webtoon!
This is how I make the comics happen!